Lent Week 2 | FRIDAY

Pete MooreLent 20213 Comments

God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
You speak and summon us away
From that which is false, familiar, and faithless,
You invite us to tread a path into the unknown,
Where our barrenness is transformed by your blessing

Daily Scripture: Mark 8:31-38

Find the above scripture in your bible and read slowly – you might want to read it out loud. You can also find it here.

Lenten Quote

“Many years ago, archaeologists discovered the tomb of Charlemagne, (the) great 8th- and 9th-century king and emperor of France. When the tomb was opened, after being closed for centuries, the men who entered it found something amazing. They found certain treasures of the kingdom, of course. But in the centre of the large vault was a throne, and seated on the throne was the skeleton of Charlemagne, with an open Bible on his lap, and a bony finger pointing at the words, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”

| A probably apocryphal tale told by Ray Steadman

Questions to Ponder

Despite what we might think we live in a time of unprecedented choice – to the point where it can make it hard to act at all. Are there things that you are faced with that make it difficult to choose the way of Christ day to day?

Those who entombed Charlemagne did so with a sense of drama and irony perhaps for their own reflection as well as for those who would later discover the tomb. What worldly things might we lose by following JEsus and what might we recieve in return? Can you think of some examples from your own life?  

When Jesus arrived at Lazarus’ tomb (John Chapter 11) it’s recorded in our English translations that Jesus was ‘deeply moved’. A more accurate translation would be ‘he was outraged’. He was outraged at death because he is the Lord of life. It is a paradox of the gospel that the way of the cross leads to life and so where do you think Jesus might be inviting you to embrace this paradox in your life and the life of those around you?

Lenten Prayer

Father, we ask that you will help us to make the choice for life, and not for death, that by your power you will help us find the grace to say “Yes” to you, Lord Jesus, and to enter into life by the way of the cross. We ask for the grace to endure humiliation, the wisdom to not take offence, the willingness to cast aside our pride. As we follow the way of your cross help us to rejoice in the liberty, freedom, gladness, joy and life that is found in this way. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.  

Closing Blessing

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you,
wherever He may send you.
May He guide you through the wilderness,
protect you through the storm.
May He bring you home rejoicing
at the wonders He has shown you.
May He bring you home rejoicing
once again into our doors.

No Evening Zoom Reflection Tonight!

As it is Friday there will be no evening reflection over Zoom tonight but we look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

We would love to make this a shared learning experience as much as possible so therefore please consider adding any thoughts, questions and insights that might arise for you in the comments section below. We would love to hear what God is up to in this time!

3 Comments on “Lent Week 2 | FRIDAY”

  1. Here we find the cross, so often depicted with the crucified Christ, but we see an empty cross because it led to resurrection and life, quite a paradox. Mark 8v34 “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it” Hallelujah.

  2. Thank you So! So useful and thought provoking…still thinking about this:-

    “It is a paradox of the gospel that the way of the cross leads to life and so where do you think Jesus might be inviting you to embrace this paradox in your life and the life of those around you?”

    Thank you for this!!!

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