Welcome to our 2021 Advent Journey! This year we are making our way toward Christmas by exploring the four Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love, but with a twist. This third week is not just about JOY but Joy(ful) Repentance, but before you jump in to today’s reflection, just take a moment, breathe slowly, and pray the following prayer as truthfully and earnestly as you can.
source of all true joy,
You promised that at your appearing,
the pain of your absence will be replaced with joy,.
That when we see you again our hearts will rejoice,
and no one will be able to take away our joy.
And so we wait in hope.
Daily Scripture: Luke 19:1-10
Find the above scripture in your bible and read slowly – you might want to read it out loud. You can also find it here.
In today’s passage we read the story of Zacchaeus, a man who underwent deep transformation and repentance after an encounter with Jesus. From the passage, answer the following questions:
- Who is Zacchaeus? What do we learn about him?
- How do others view him (19:7) and relate to him (19:3,7)?
- How does Jesus view him (19:9-10)?
- What was Zacchaeus’ response to Jesus coming to his home?
- Both the emotional (19:6) and the practical (19:8)
- How does Jesus describe this response?
- How does this relate to bearing fruits of repentance?
- Can we talk about Zacchaeus repenting here even if the word itself isn’t used?
Advent Quotes
‘[other groups within Judaism thought that] repentance leads to holiness, which permits fellowship. Jesus affirmed, rather, that fellowship leads to both repentance and holiness.’
| Scot McKnight
Advent Poem: Zacchaeus
To whom the heavy burden clings,
It yet may serve him like a staff;
One day the cross will break in wings,
The sinner laugh a holy laugh.
The dwarfed Zacchaeus climbed a tree,
His humble stature set him high;
The Lord the little man did see
Who sought the great man passing by.
Up to the tree he came, and stopped:
‘To-day,’ he said, ‘with thee I bide.’
A spirit-shaken fruit he dropped,
Ripe for the Master, at his side.
Sure never host with gladder look
A welcome guest home with him bore!
Then rose the Satan of rebuke
And loudly spake beside the door:
‘This is no place for holy feet;
Sinners should house and eat alone!
This man sits in the stranger’s seat
And grinds the faces of his own!’
Outspoke the man, in Truth’s own might:
‘Lord, half my goods I give the poor;
If one I’ve taken more than right
With four I make atonement sure!’
‘Salvation here is entered in;
This man indeed is Abraham’s son!’
Said he who came the lost to win-
And saved the lost whom he had won
| George MacDonald
Song: Come As You Are
Closing Benediction
Be people of joy.
Let joy live in your heart and share the joy of Christ with all you meet.
Share joy by seeing the good in each other.
Share joy by remembering good times and hoping for good times to come.
Share joy by praying for our world.
In this Advent season, we need to see, feel, and share joy.
As you go out into the wonder of God’s creations,
share joy, peace, and hope with those you meet.
| Liturgy Link
Zoom Reflections Monday – Thursday evenings at 9 – 9:20pm
Click here to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86970491613
As always, we would love to hear your thoughts and reflections and so please do leave a comment in the section at the bottom of this page. Much love to you all on this Advent journey!