Maybe begin your time of reflection with this simple Advent prayer…
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Of the holy prophets and promises of old,
We await your coming,
More than watchmen wait for the morning.
Grant us patience in our waiting,
alertness in our time of watching,
and faith in the promise of your arrival. Amen
Daily Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7
Find the above scripture in your bible and read slowly – you might want to read it out loud. You can also find it here.
These famous words from the prophet Isaiah hings upon the words in verse 6 that say ‘for a child has been born for us, a son given for us’. This child, this son, has been understood by the Church to be Jesus the promised Messiah and so we discover that God’s promises of salvation and restoration are trained and focused upon a singular person. Therefore, our hope is both personal and relational.
Advent Quote: Isaiah – The Advent Prophet
‘If we are to enter into Advent in a truly spiritual and meaningful way, we must keep in mind the messages of Isaiah to Israel. The people of Israel were in a deplorable circumstance. Their lives, homes, nation, families, wealth, and positions in society were threatened by an impending political disaster that would throw them all into ruin. In addition they were in no spiritual condition to go through siuch a catastrophe. Repent, turn to God in true conversion, proclaimed Isaiah. Then hope in God’s rescue, for God will surely send you a Savior and restore the greatness of Jerusalem.’
| Robert Webber

Advent Prayer
On this long dark night we await the coming of Christ. We long for the light of his presence, with us and in us. When our souls are deeply troubled,and our hearts break with the weight of sorrow, may our grief be seasoned with love,and our sorrow be buoyed by hope.In our times of God-forsakenness and estrangement, May we gaze on the innocent One, made perfect through suffering.and see in him our vulnerable God,who saves in weakness and pain. May our suffering empty us of pride,and lead us to true joy our only security, in Christ the infinite depths of God’s grace.
| Christine Sine
Advent Song
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Have a listen to this beautiful song and let the words and melody take you deeper into the story of Advent.
Evening Zoom Reflection at 9pm
We will be meeting tonight on Zoom to reflect on this together. You would be most welcome to join us. We start at 9pm and finish at 9:20pm. Click here to join:
Feel free to leave a comment below with any thoughts, prayers or things God might have been speaking to you about.
2 Comments on “Advent Week 1 | TUESDAY”
I found it helpful to read the scripture aloud and speak it as if were for Leatherhead.
It was encouraging to read ‘enlarged the nation and increased their joy’ after talking last night about the same theme of enlarging while we wait for the joy set before us. When God comes there is always more. I also found the US in verse 6 powerful. For us all.
I appreciated the context of no more oppression and no more fighting which I had not thought of before as these bits are often left out.