This week in our Advent journey we turn our attention to the Gospel of John. Here in the opening 18 verses we see John highlight the themes of creation and new creation in Christ, but before you begin today’s reflection maybe just pause, turn your attention to God and pray the prayer below:
Lord Jesus,
Word at the beginning,
God the only Son,
Close to the Father’s heart…
Let the darkness be overcome
by the brilliance of your light.
Daily Scripture: John 1:1-5
Find the above scripture in your bible and read slowly – you might want to read it out loud. You can also find it here.
Advent Quotes
The opening phrase “in the beginning”…links directly to Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning God created” … The ‘Word of God” appears in Genesis chapter 1 as the means whereby God accomplishes his acts of creation, God said “Let there be light”. The Word of God is God himself in his creative action.’
| Bruce Milne
‘[John] goes on to use other words that are important inGenesis 1, such as “life”, “light”, and “darkness”. Genesis 1 described God’s first creation; John’s theme is God’s new creation”…The high point is reached in the affirmation: “the Word was God”…. John is not merely saying that there is something divine about Jesus. He is affirming that he is God!
| Leon Morris
Advent Poem: It Is Done
Once again the Fire has penetrated the earth.
Not with sudden crash of thunderbolt,
riving the mountain-tops:
does the Master break down doors
to enter his own home?
Without earthquake, or thunderclap:
the flame has lit up the whole world from within.
All things individually and collectively
are penetrated and flooded by it,
from the inmost core of the tiniest atom
to the mighty sweep of the most universal
laws of being:
so naturally has it flooded every element, every energy,
every connecting link in the unity of our cosmos;
that one might suppose the cosmos to have burst spontaneously into flame.
| Teilhard de Chardin
Advent Song: So Will I
Closing Benediction
What manner of love is this!
That we should be called ‘children of God’!
But this is who we are;
sons and daughters of the king,
with an eternal inheritance in his kingdom.
Therefore, may the Spirit of the Son
teach us to live in the glorious freedom
of our adoption,
to the glory of the Father,
our Abba.
Evening Zoom Reflection at 9pm
We will be meeting tonight on Zoom to reflect on this together. You would be most welcome to join us. We start at 9pm and finish at 9:20pm. Bring a Bible and a candle if you have them.
We are usually on a few moments before for a chat. Click here to join:
As always, we would love to hear your thoughts and reflections and so please do leave a comment in the section at the bottom of this page. Much love to you all on this Advent journey!
2 Comments on “Advent Week 4 | MONDAY”
These reflections are so good, thank you.
I quite like the idea of looking at a situation of darkness and inviting Jesus with the image of creation in gen 1 into that situation. Light, beauty, relationship, Life, colour, creativity, movement, peace…
Yes agree! Thank you.Really liking these devotionals.
…..In the beginning was the Word. Do still wonder at Jesus being described as a “Word”…
of all descriptions…..fascinating….
Love that He was in/at the beginnng….before it all went wrong. Thats makes a lovely picture that Him coming again is maybe alluding to a new start and Beginning again too.