Jesus, Judge of the Living and the Dead: Pt 1

Pete MooreApostles' Creed2 Comments

The Dignity of Choice

Although we are looking toward the future when we speak of Jesus returning to judge the living and the dead, I want to begin this reflection by returning to the beginning of the story, to the book of Genesis, the place where it all began. In the beginning, God forms humanity in his image and in his likeness, to be his hands and feet in the world, the ones through whom God would bring about his purposes in the world.

As those made in the image and likeness of God, humanity carries a glory within the created order, but with this glory comes the freedom to choose, and with the freedom to choose comes both privilege and responsibility. He gave us the dignity to choose between obedience and disobedience, faithfulness and unfaithfulness, blessing and curse, and ultimately between life and death.

Human Dignity and Accountability

Humanity use their freedom to rebel and God comes calls them to account for the choices they have made. Stephen Travis, speaking of how God holds us accountable for our choices says this:

‘The prospect of judgment may even be welcomed, because it assures us that God treats all our actions as significant. If the idea of judgment is removed, then ultimately no actions are significant.’

This perspective puts a bit of a twist on the negativity of judgement for it says that being held accountable for the choices that we make is an essential part of the dignity and responnsibility of being human! It is precisely because our lives have importance and our choices matter that the prospect of accountability and judgment are a reality for us.

Question to Ponder…

Being held accountable for our choices is a sign of the value and dignity that we have as humans...what do you think about that idea?

God’s Goodness and Judgment

Also, if we become less than human if we are not held accoutable, God too, in a sense, would be less than God, if he did not hold us to account. If God simply turned a blind eye to our oppression, hatred, perversion, rebellion, destruction, abuse, and violence, then he would become complicit with our sin and that can, and will, never be the case.

‘The biblical doctrine of God’s wrath is rooted in the doctrine of God as the good, wise and loving creator, who hates … anything that spoils, defaces, distorts or damages his beautiful creation’.

N.T Wright

God’s judgement therefore should be seen to be an outworking of his love and goodness. It should be a comfort for those suffering great oppression and injustice that God cares about their plight and gets angry about their treatment. God hates anything that spoils, defaces, distorts, or damages his beautiful creation, especially those that he created in his image and likeness!

Question to Ponder…

Does the idea that God’s judgments are rooted in his goodness and love make sense to you? Why or why not?

Key Points

  • Humanity are given a position of glory and honour within God’s creation and this includes partnering with him to see his plans and purposes outworked.
  • This position and honour includes the freedom to choose and our choices mean the difference between blessing and curse, and life and death.
  • God blesses our faithfulness but calls us to account for our rebellion.
  • Being held accountable for our choices and our actions is part of what gives us value and dignity as human beings.
  • God’s action of holding us accountable is utlimately rooted in his goodness and love for his creation.

Please do leave any thoughts, questions, or reflections in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you!

2 Comments on “Jesus, Judge of the Living and the Dead: Pt 1”

  1. Ahhh thanks for this Pete!!!

    My thoughts re Re Judgement:-

    One of the huge Benefits of being a Christian is that the Holy Spirit judges or assesses us now and we have an advocate in Jesus! “If we confess our sin He is faithful to forgive and cleanse us.”

    Often I find the hardest person to forgive is myself. When I forgive myself I’m agreeing with God and the price Jesus paid to forgive me. Sometimes this is a process and a journey. Thank you to Holy Spirit for his assessment/judgement and the provision of the blood of Jesus!!!!.

    When the enemy accuses us we know that God, is for us, when we confess, heavenly justice is rigged in our favour when we hold short accounts. Hallelujah.

    The enemy accuses but the Holy Spirit convicts. The former is full of shame while the later is so supportive and redeeming. If God is for us who can be against us. I feel this makes it easier to confess our lack in exchange for His provision and better way.

    “Will not the judge of all the Earth do right.”

    One of the passages I love is the way Jesus treats the woman caught in adultery…..his judgement/assessment was extraordinary as he banishes her accusers and encourages her to go and sin no more…

  2. So good Judy! (The enemy accuses but the Holy Spirit convicts. The former is full of shame while the later is so supportive and redeeming)
    Repentance is a gift and not one I use very often. Why? Maybe I need to ask myself am I seeing the accuser (feeling shame, disconnection) or the redeemer? (connection)

    Rich stuff Pete – much more pondering to do.
    I can imagine how uncomfortable and tormenting it would be to have done something wrong and the need to be held accountable was brushed off as nothing. Your guilty conscience would never be satisfied. We need consequences, forgiveness, a change in heart.

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