Pete MooreLent 20211 Comment

Mighty God of judgement and salvation,
of old ends and new beginnings;
would you guide us in this Lenten season,
through the threatening landscapes of this life
and out into the good inheritance
that you have promised us.

Daily Scripture: 1 Peter 3:18-22

Find the above scripture in your bible and read slowly – you might want to read it out loud. You can also find it here.

Lenten Quotes

‘Peter’s reference is to God’s bringing Noah and his kin safely through the calamity of divine judgment as they passed from the old, sin-filled world into the new world. Baptism serves similarly, though perhaps not in the expected way. In Peter’s hands, baptism signifies new birth:a genuine turning from old life to new.’

| Joel Green

‘If baptism be an ‘instrument of surrender’ by one conquered by the love of Christ, it is equally the gracious welcome of the sinner by the Lord who has sought and found him.’

| George Beasley-Murray

Lenten Confession

Forty days alone,
a wilderness of thoughts,
tempting and inviting thoughts,
which could so easily have distracted you
from your task, your mission, your vision.
Yet you emerged, stronger and more attuned
to all that had to be done,despite a time constraint that to our eyes
would have seemed hopeless.
We too live in stressful times.
Demands are made of our time, that leave
so little for the important things of life.
We are easily distracted in the wilderness
of our lives, by every call to go this way
or that, to turn stone to bread
leap from mountains, and do all that
would keep us from the truth.
We listen to the voices of this world,
and ignore the one who endured all this
and so much more, and emerged triumphant,
that we might not have to suffer so.
Forgive us, Father, when we get distracted from our task.
Forgive us those times when we try to be all things to all men, and fail to be anything to anyone.

| third-space.org

Lenten Song: Find Me In The River

Closing Blessing

In your wanderings through
the wildnerness places of this life,
May you come to know the guidance,
provision, protection, and presence,
of the Holy One of Israel
in your midst.
May you discover in this season,
the blessings of the desert,
where false gifts are exposed
and true treasures revealed.

Evening Zoom Reflection at 9pm

We will be meeting tonight on Zoom to reflect on this together. You would be most welcome to join us. We start at 9pm and finish at 9:20pm. Maybe bring a Bible and a journal if you have them.

We are usually on a few moments before for a chat. Click here to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84743926286

We would love to make this a shared learning experience as much as possible so therefore please consider adding any thoughts, questions and insights that might arise for you in the comments section below. We would love to hear what God is up to in this time!

One Comment on “LENT WEEK 1 | THURSDAY”

  1. Loved the question tonight Pete, (and answers!!) ‘what would we say to our younger selves at point of baptism’. What encouragement or insight would we give……
    Thank you for this weeks space and reflections

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