Lent Week 4 | WEDNESDAY

adminLent 202110 Comments

Daily Prayer

Take a moment before you begin this morning and just slowly and meaningfully pray this prayer.

Lord of promise,
how quickly we forget,
how slow to understand,
The path is not the destination,
The desert not our land.

Daily Scripture: Numbers 21:4-9

Find the above scripture in your bible and read slowly – you might want to read it out loud. You can read it here.

Lenten Reflection

After having been miraculously delivered out of slavery in Egypt, we now find Israel in the wilderness. Lawrence of Arabia described this area as having a sense of hopelessness and sadness, and in his book ‘Revolt in the Desert’, he wrote:

“…the plague of snakes which had been with us since our first entry into Sirhan, today rose to a memorable height, and became a terror … this year the valley seemed creeping with horned vipers and puff-adders, cobras and black snakes. By night movement was dangerous: and at last we found it necessary to walk with sticks, beating the bushes while we stepped warily through on bare feet.”

And it was in that nightmare scenario that the Israelites finally stopped griping about the tasteless food and cried out to Moses to intercede for them. 

How has adversity driven you to God in prayer, or away from him in resentment, fear or nostalgia? What are you currently feeling impatient about? How is that affecting your perspective? A discipline of thanksgiving can begin to remedy this. You may want to try beginning and ending the day by naming the way God has blessed you today. 

Lenten Quote

The joiner, when he glues together two boards, keeps them tightly clamped till the cement sets … So with calamities, depressions and disappointments that crush us into closer contact with God. The pressure on us is kept up till the soul’s union with God is set.

| P.T Forsyth

Lenten Song: Surrounded

Closing Blessing

When memory forsakes us,
And we are tempted to return,
When forgetfulness makes us faithless
And truths remain unlearned,
When we run wild amidst the wilderness
And fashion idols amongst the sands
When the tester becomes the tested
And we lose sight of the promised land.

Forgive us Lord, we pray.

Deliverer, help us to remember,
And bring these things to mind,
That freedom stands before us.
And slavery behind.
That in the desert we are not deserted
And in our wanderings, we are not lost,
That no land is God-forsaken
And the promise worth the cost.

Bless us Lord, we pray

Evening Zoom Reflection at 9pm

We will be meeting tonight on Zoom to reflect on this together. You would be most welcome to join us. We start at 9pm and finish at 9:20pm. Maybe bring a Bible and a journal if you have them.

We are usually on a few moments before for a chat. Click here to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84743926286

We would love to make this a shared learning experience as much as possible so therefore please consider adding any thoughts, questions and insights that might arise for you in the comments section below. We would love to hear what God is up to in this time!

10 Comments on “Lent Week 4 | WEDNESDAY”

  1. Being surrounded. It brought to mind the idea of putting on the armour of God. In prayer going through each item of armour and putting it on, so that we carry something of God with us that protects us. Celtic Christian’s had a similar idea with their encircling or Caim prayers. They would make a circle as they prayed declaring that they were surrounded by Gods protection, and in that protected space God was with them bringing peace, joy and administering His grace. I am looking forward to being protected by God today, occupying His protected space, and in that space experiencing His peace and joy and receiving His grace.

  2. A reminder today to remember our future and not allow present circumstances to dictate our beliefs about God’s intentions toward us. Loss of memory seems linked to loss of hope and allows grumbling and complaining to seep in. Romans 8:18 came to mind – these present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us’: the wildneress of this age is not worth comparing with the glory of the age to come!

  3. The words from todays worship.
    “My victory is in Jesus name”
    “This is how I fight my battles”
    Let that ring in our hearts today guys!

    Say’s it all.

  4. I found today’s reading quite provocative. The questions I posed in this reflection probably reveal what was going on for me when I read it! I know I can become absorbed by problems that aren’t really problems or focused on what I think I’m lacking rather than paying attention and living in the joy of all I have been freely given – much like the Israelites getting grumpy about the food rather than celebrating their liberty. And also aware again – similar to yesterday’s reading – the power of God to bring healing, to protect, to intervene when his people cry out to him for help. So a reminder to myself again today, rather than grumbling or getting irritable about difficult situations, to channel that frustration into calling out to God and trusting him to intervene.

    1. Thank you So good Caroline!

      Father we confess our desparate lack in pressure and pain. Help us look to you. Give us grace to choose to let our weakness also be an escourt to draw us closer into your provision your strength and your faithfulness until we are One! (Won)

      As we confess and receive your forgiveness. Your strength for our every weakness.

  5. Ps, 107: 43 “Let the one who is wise heed these things
    and ponder the loving deeds of the Lord.”
    I can thank God for his loving deeds for me, but do I actually “ponder” them?
    Am reminded of a similar verse from the classic hymn, “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” : “Ponder anew what the Almighty can do, if with his love He befriend thee.”

    Ps. 107:1 “Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—” How well can I articulate my “story”, my “testimony”? Have I thought through the different situations/encounters in which I may want to have it to hand, ready to tell? A
    m reminded of the “elevator pitch” concept in communications.
    Am reminded of 1 Peter 3:15 “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
    Am reminded of Graham Kendrick’s classic line, “…mirrored here, may our lives tell Your story”

  6. So sorry! – clicking on the “here” link took me to one of the Psalms (nothing to do with the Numbers passage 🙂 )

    1. Yes, the link takes us to the Psalm from yesterday. Lovely to read your response to Psalm 107 and it chimes well with where our evening reflection went. Do skip back to yesterday’s blog if you’d like to see other people’s thoughts and comments on that passage.

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