Daily Prayer
Take a moment before you begin this morning and just slowly and meaningfully pray this prayer.
In fervent cries and whispered groans, hear us Jesus
In unmet needs and lonely spaces, see us Jesus
When overwhelmed and lost in fog, guide us Jesus
When feelings numb and distractions plenty, you love Jesus!
Daily Scripture: Psalm 51:1-12
Find the above scripture in your bible and read slowly – you might want to read it out loud. You can read it here.
Lenten Reflection
Imagine the headlines – “King commits adultery with loyal soldier’s wife”! “Pregnancy scandal”! “David murdered my husband and married me”!
Recently, I went back to 2 Samuel 11 to read the full story of David and Bathsheba and asked ‘how did David get from here to the full confession and repentance that we read in Psalm 51’? He knew he was committing sin because of the lengths he went to cover up his actions and now there is a cavern between David and God.
At this stage I was blown away by God’s response in 1 Samuel 12 when He sends the prophet Nathan to win David back. Not only that, but God gives Nathan the wisdom to guide David along the route to true repentance. David makes no excuses and does not justify his behaviour. He knows and trusts God enough to cry out in full confession and receive whatever God chooses.
I was humbled as I read Psalm 51 and wondered about the invitation it is giving me to walk the path of true repentance

Lenten Quote
“You were within, but I was without. You were with me, but I was not with you. So you called, you shouted, you broke through my deafness, you flared, blazed and banished my blindness, you lavished your fragrance and I gasped.”
| Richar Rhor paraphrasing St Augustine
Lenten Song: Be Thou My Vision
Lenten Song: The Angel of Death
Closing Blessing
May the voice of love steady your feet as you follow Him in all His ways
May His kindness be a balm to life’s hard edges and thorns
May His great compassion and mercy fill you with wonder
And may his wisdom lead you to the secret place
May he ever restore to you the joy of your salvation
Evening Zoom Reflection at 9pm
We will be meeting tonight on Zoom to reflect on this together. You would be most welcome to join us. We start at 9pm and finish at 9:20pm. Maybe bring a Bible and a journal if you have them.
We are usually on a few moments before for a chat. Click here to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84743926286
We would love to make this a shared learning experience as much as possible so therefore please consider adding any thoughts, questions and insights that might arise for you in the comments section below. We would love to hear what God is up to in this time!
10 Comments on “Lent Week 5 | TUESDAY”
How about that. God never leaves or abandons us
Most of us haven’t lusted after another women, slept with her, got her pregnant, killed off her husband and married her. Well I hope not, but God shows his forgiveness, acceptance and passion for us in that he wont leave us.
Many think they are not worthy to follow Jesus because of their attitudes and actions, but God is always chasing after us to say “I accept you warts and all, come to me”. He opens his arms and hears our confession and the forgiveness comes. It isn’t a maybe, but a certainty.
Just found my way to Graham Kendrick’s ‘Have Mercy on my Lord’ – based on Psalm 51. I don’t know if this link will work – but do check it out. I love this.
That should be ‘Have Mercy On Me O Lord’ of course.
Soo so good!
Thanks to God for David’s Life and mistakes and the level of God’s kindness to him and me!
‘Its the loving kindness of God that leads me to repent”….giving thanks.
..Just made me aware how I can not always see from the outside the pressure people are under….help me not to judge/see people by their sin!
I was wondering also how much of David’s sin was generational and influenced by the enemy’s ,pressure on him, .I.e. having spiritual legal access, landing ground, because of the sins of his Father’s generation?
Let me represent His saving grace! God’s continually saving me/us from the past in the present and treating me/us like we don’t deserve!!. His Life! Thank you God!
Oops re David’s generational line! I mistakenly thought his Father was King Solomon. It was Jesse.
Thank you Steve for this song! So good to listen too.
The Fathers forgiveness, grace and mercy are beyond precious, they’re keys to life. The hardest part for me is agreeing with them, agreeing with God, accepting the fullness of his forgiveness and not how I perceive it to be.
I was also struck by David’s kingship, how he didn’t lose that despite his actions and how in today’s culture we are quick to demand people resign from their posts when they make a mistake.
Lord help me to model the gift of repentance and forgiveness.
Thank you for the Graham Kendrick song. All three songs such blessings today. I thought that after Noah and co. David would be our guide this week but it looks like he is. Our thinking tomorrow will be shaped from this story today. Brilliant.
Soo good ..Jayne…our thinking today will be shaped by Davids story
Oops re David’s generational line! I mistakenly thought his Father was King Solomon. It was Jesse.