Lent Week 6 | MONDAY

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Introduction to Week 6

Each week we have had a guide for our Lenten journey: first Noah, then Abraham, Moses, Israel, and last week, Jesus himself. Who can possibly follow Jesus?! Well, that would be us! The Church no less – making the love of Christ tangible in our life together and in the world. As we follow Christ, we become like him and make him known – inspiring others in His way. Paul expresses this truth often in his letters. For example, in his letter to the Ephesians he writes: ‘Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you. Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God’ (Eph. 4:32 – 5:2).

This week’s readings and reflections will take us deep into the way of Christ that is ours to follow, leading to a more fulsome Friday resource that is intended to equip us for week that follows – often called Passion Week.

Daily Prayer

Take a moment before you begin this morning and just slowly and meaningfully pray this prayer.

Lord of self-emptying love,
Crucified and now exalted.
May all knees bend before you,
May all toungues confess you,
To the glory of God our Father.

Daily Scripture: Philippians 2:1-2

Find the above scripture in your bible and read slowly – you might want to read it out loud. You can read it here.

Lenten Exercise

This week we would like to encourage you to consider some ways in which you might make the love of Christ tangible to one or two people in your life. This might start in quiet prayer, asking the Lord to bring to mind those you will go on to bless. Or it could be you simply decide to pay more attention to those you will meet this week – asking how they are and sticking around to hear the answer. Sometimes it is the act of listening well that is the needed gift – without trying to fix things!

The challenge here is to get physical with our Good News (observing social distancing rules of course!) – so that love is more than words. I am sure you’ll work this out.

Lenten Poem: God of our Renewed Lives

God of our renewed lives,
we talk about being better people…
doing things differently…
living more disciplined lives;
but we always talk about doing it tomorrow…
or next week…
or after the beginning of the new year.
Meanwhile, your Spirit surrounds us…
and we swat you away like a pesky fly…
because we don’t have the time, or the energy,
to be transformed.
So lead us to a quiet place of readiness…
and inspire, in us, a willing attitude…
so that we may be able to welcome your newness…
even now…as we offer our silent confessions…

|Scott Cervas

Lenten Quote

“People don’t change because they decide to be better. If that happened, then New Year’s Resolutions would work. People decide to change because they elevate their loves.”

| David Brooks

Lenten Song: Christ has no body now but yours

The Porter’s Gate (feat. Aaron Keyes & Urban Doxology)

Closing Blessing

May you discover,
As you trace the footsteps of the Christ,
And follow the bending river of the Spirit,
Down through the terrain of this age,
Down along faith’s hard paths,
And down towards the voice of Love,
May you discover the companionship
Of many fellow pilgrims.

May you receive,
As you are summoned by Christ
And invited by the Spirit,
Up towards the landscapes of the age to come,
Up across the highway of Hope,
And up towards the voice of Love,
May you receive a share in His exaltation
And honour,

To the glory of God, the Father,

Evening Zoom Reflection at 9pm

We will be meeting tonight on Zoom to reflect on this together. You would be most welcome to join us. We start at 9pm and finish at 9:20pm. Maybe bring a Bible and a journal if you have them.

We are usually on a few moments before for a chat. Click here to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84743926286

We would love to make this a shared learning experience as much as possible so therefore please consider adding any thoughts, questions and insights that might arise for you in the comments section below. We would love to hear what God is up to in this time!

4 Comments on “Lent Week 6 | MONDAY”

  1. If there is any encouragement
    If there is any comfort
    If there is any fellowship
    If there is any tenderness and compassion..,….

    Wow just the thought that we could say ‘actually, do you know what, there’s no encouragement, comfort, etc from following Jesus’….and walk away. This opens up an opportunity to assess if there is or not and if there is let’s run towards more 😊

  2. Just wanted to offer a second song called “Little Things With Great Love” – an absolutely stunning song that reminds us that sometimes the greatest acts of love are only small. https://youtu.be/DcdR3rah6Ws

    God, let us lean in and perceive how we can love people today.

  3. I wonder what is more important, the love that is put into a simple act of kindness or the love that is received by the person who experiences that kindness. I guess the answer is that if there is no love then love can’t be received and if there is no act of kindness, then whatever love that is there is unable to do its work. Love is active and needs to be expressed. A simple “thank-you”, “well done”, ” I really appreciate” are expressions of love. And we carry the God who is love, with us. He lives in us through the power of the Holy Spirit. So we can’t say that we lack love. We can give that love the chance to be received through “Little things with Great Love”. God is a God who speaks, and He wants to be heard. He speaks through us, so lets at least give Him the chance to be heard, whether those hearing acknowledge Him or not.

  4. The closing blessing alone blew me away. I will take that into my week.

    May you discover,
    As you trace the footsteps of the Christ,
    And follow the bending river of the Spirit,
    Down through the terrain of this age,
    Down along faith’s hard paths,
    And down towards the voice of Love,
    May you discover the companionship
    Of many fellow pilgrims.

    May you receive,
    As you are summoned by Christ
    And invited by the Spirit,
    Up towards the landscapes of the age to come,
    Up across the highway of Hope,
    And up towards the voice of Love,
    May you receive a share in His exaltation
    And honour,

    To the glory of God, the Father,

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