Welcome to our 2021 Advent Journey! This year we are making our way toward Christmas by exploring the four Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love, but with a twist. This second week is not just about Peace but Peace(ful) Preparation, but before you jump in to today’s reflection, just take a moment, breathe slowly, and pray the following prayer as truthfully and earnestly as you can.
God of Peace
You have promised to crush the head of Satan,
that ancient serpent, under our feet.
Therefore, help us to live in faithfulness to your eternal light
and in active rebellion against the darkness of this age.
We swear our allegiance to you alone.
Daily Scripture: Ephesians 6:15-16
Find the above scripture in your bible and read slowly – you might want to read it out loud. You can also find it here.
In 6:15 the putting on of the footwear seems to reflect the call to be ready to proclaim the gospel of peace at any given moment. As with other parts of this passage, the prophet Isaiah may have been in the authors mind, especially 52:7. Have a read of the Isaiah passage, as well as Romans 10:10-15, to see if this sheds any light on this particualr part of the armoury.
The type of shield mentioned here is a large wooden one that covered the whole person. What might be implied by the call to ‘take up’ this shield of faith? How might 1 Peter 5:8-9 help us with this passage?
What might God be inviting you to do in light of what you have read today?
Advent Quotes
“How does one become a peacemaker? One way, significantly important in itself, is not to be a spreader of evil: Don’t be an agent of the accuser, don’t be a sower of darnel or bad seed, don’t spread news of evil. We need to be ‘the end of the track,’ the terminus, for any gossip we hear, for any ugly word, hostile judgement, criticism. The terminus is the place where the train or the bus stops and goes no further.
We need to be like ‘black holes’ for evil, vortices that swallow everything and allow nothing whatsoever to pass by and continue on its way. Of course, to be a peacemaker means more than just that; it means to take the initiative in the matter of peace, to do what you can to promote justice. But we must be careful not to let these aspects obscure the other, the simpler and narrower strategy of ‘don’t spread evil,’ which is always open to everyone.”
| Raniero Cantalamessa
‘As part of God’s armor, this shield is identified as the shield of faith. Faith here could refer to the content of what is believed, as in 4:5. It might also be a reference to the act of believing (1:13; 2:8), along with the vigor of one’s belief (1:15). Neither of these two alternatives can really exist apart from the other. Faith must be faith in something.’
| Stephen Fowl
Advent Song: Instrument of Peace
Lord make me
An instrument of peace
An instrument of peace
Where is there hatred let me sow love
Where there is darkness let me sow light
For in the giving we shall receive
And in the dying we’re given life
Lord make me
An instrument of peace
An instrument of peace
Where there is sorrow let me sow hope
Where there is doubt let me sow faith
Where is injury your pardon give
Your consolation to those in pain
Lord make me
An instrument of peace
An instrument of peace
| Isaac Wardell | Jessica Fox | Liz Vice | Orlando Palmer | Paul Zach

Closing Benediction
Be people of peace.
Let peace live in your heart and share the peace of Christ with all you meet.
Share peace by acting out of compassion and not fear.
Share peace by listening to all sides of the story.
Share peace by praying for our world.
In this Advent season, we need to see, feel, and share peace.
As you go out into the wonder of God’s creations,
share peace and hope with those you meet.
| Liturgy Link
Zoom Reflections Monday – Thursday evenings at 9 – 9:20pm
Click here to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86970491613
As always, we would love to hear your thoughts and reflections and so please do leave a comment in the section at the bottom of this page. Much love to you all on this Advent journey!