Welcome to our 2021 Advent Journey! This year we are making our way toward Christmas by exploring the four Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love, but with a twist. This second week is not just about Peace but Peace(ful) Preparation, but before you jump in to today’s reflection, just take a moment, breathe slowly, and pray the following prayer as truthfully and earnestly as you can.
God of Peace
You have promised to crush the head of Satan,
that ancient serpent, under our feet.
Therefore, help us to live in faithfulness to your eternal light
and in active rebellion against the darkness of this age.
We swear our allegiance to you alone.
Daily Scripture: Ephesians 6:14
Find the above scripture in your bible and read slowly – you might want to read it out loud. You can also find it here.
By the time we hear about the belt of truth here in Ephesians, we have already read about truth as the gospel message (1:13), as something we are called to speak in love (4:15,25), and as something that is found in Jesus (4:21). How might these different elements shape how we are to understand truth here? What might it mean to fasten truth around our waists? What kind of habits or practices would enable us to do this?
Also, have a read of Luke 4:1-13 and see how Jesus responds to the devil’s temptations. How might this help our understanding of the belt of truth, especially in light of 6:11? Are there any lies that need exposing or any particular truths that you need to gird yourself with in this season?
With regard to the breastplate of righteousness/justice, turn to Isaiah 59:17 and answer the following questions:
- Who is putting on the breastplate of righteousness & justice in this passage?
- Why are they putting it on?
- What does it mean to put it on in this context?
- What might it then mean for us to be called to put it on?
Advent Quotes
‘In our world of deception and self-deception and collusion, we ask in bewilderment with Pilate, “What is truth?” ‘We yearn for truth, even while we cover our ears lest the truth be uttered in our presence. Because given enough of falseness to which we become inured, the utterance of truth is grossly unwelcome among us. As a consequence I believe, we live, all of us, on a precarious edge with our yearning and our fearfulness that our falsely constructed worlds will be interrupted and come tumbling down in chaos.’
| Walter Brueggemann
‘Worship of God without justice to man is an abomination.’
| Abraham Joshua Heschel
Advent Song: His Kingdom Now Is Come (Behold Behold)
The light shines in the darkness
And the darkness
Cannot overcome
Behold behold his kingdom now is come
The valleys will be lifted
And the mountains will be brought down low
Behold behold his kingdom now is come
Hear the voice cry from the highway
Make way for the prince of peace
Behold behold his kingdom now is come
God of Justice Righteous Judge (behold, behold, behold)
Our Defender Prince of Peace (behold, behold, behold)
Father to the fatherless our strong
Deliverer (behold Behold behold)
He’s troubling the water and we’re marching through
| The Porter’s Gate Worship Project – Brian Nhira | Isaac Wardell | Leslie Jordan | Lorenzo Baylor | Paul Zach

Closing Benediction
Be people of peace.
Let peace live in your heart and share the peace of Christ with all you meet.
Share peace by acting out of compassion and not fear.
Share peace by listening to all sides of the story.
Share peace by praying for our world.
In this Advent season, we need to see, feel, and share peace.
As you go out into the wonder of God’s creations,
share peace and hope with those you meet.
| Liturgy Link
Zoom Reflections Monday – Thursday evenings at 9 – 9:20pm
Click here to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86970491613
As always, we would love to hear your thoughts and reflections and so please do leave a comment in the section at the bottom of this page. Much love to you all on this Advent journey!