The APOSTLES’ CREED: A New Series for a New Year

Pete MooreApostles' CreedLeave a Comment

Welcome to 2021! I am guessing that your Christmas and New Years were not as you might have been expecting or wanting and that there is a sense of disappointment and disorientation as we begin a new year together.

This has been a difficult year on many levels but perhaps one of the most concerning elements has been not necessarily knowing who to trust when looking for faithful guides to lead us through the chaos. What we need at this time are some strong and reliable foundations upon which we can build our lives and in this new series we are going to be exploring one of the most foundational documents of truth claims within Christianity: The Apostles’ Creed.

In this first video we explore how our culture has slowly lost trust in what were traditionally insitutions of authority and respect and how this has coincided and corresponded with a crisis of truth. Have a watch of the video below and, as always, let us know what you think in the comments below.

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